Why Newborn Screening is Essential to Your Child’s Health

newborn screening

When babies are born, they undergo a series of tests to ensure they are healthy and free from any medical conditions that could affect their growth and development. One of these tests is newborn screening, a standard set of tests performed throughout the infant’s first few days of life. These tests are designed to identify potential health conditions that may not be immediately apparent. Still, they could cause long-term health issues if left untreated. 

In this blog post, we will explore why newborn screening is essential to your child’s health and how it can help to prevent or manage serious health conditions.


What is Newborn Screening?

Health screening for infants is a set of tests performed on a few drops of blood collected from the baby’s heel within the first few days of their life. After that, a laboratory receives the blood sample for analysis. The results are usually available within a few weeks. The tests are designed to identify potential health conditions that may not be immediately apparent at birth, such as metabolic disorders, hearing loss, and congenital heart defects. Early detection of these conditions can help to prevent or manage serious health issues that may arise later in life. 


What Does Newborn Screening Test For?

The conditions screened for in newborn screening can vary by country or region. In the United States, newborn screening detects disorders such as: 

  1. Phenylketonuria (PKU) 
  2. Hypothyroidism
  3. Galactosemia
  4. Sickle cell disease 
  5. Cystic fibrosis
  6. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
  7. Maple Syrup Urine Disease
  8. Biotinidase deficiency
  9. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  10. Hearing loss
  11. Critical congenital heart disease

Each of these rare conditions can cause serious health issues if left untreated. 


Why is Screening so Important?

  • Early Detection of Health Conditions

           Newborn screening is essential because it allows for early detection of health conditions that may not be immediately apparent. Many conditions detected through newborn screening are rare and may not present symptoms in the early stages of life. Early detection of these can help to prevent or manage serious health issues that may arise later in life. 

        For example, phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s ability to process an amino acid called phenylalanine. If left untreated, PKU can cause intellectual disabilities, seizures, and other serious health issues. However, suppose PKU is detected early through newborn screening. In that case, it can be managed through a low-phenylalanine diet, preventing these serious health issues.  


  • Long-Term Health Issues Prevention

         Newborn screening can also help to prevent long-term health issues. Early detection of certain conditions can allow for early intervention, preventing or minimizing the risk of long-term health issues. For example, early detection of congenital heart defects can allow for early intervention, such as surgery, which can prevent long-term health issues like heart failure. 


  • Cost-Effective

         Newborn screening is also cost-effective. The cost of newborn screening is relatively low compared to the potential cost of treating long-term health issues that could arise if the conditions are left untreated. In some cases, early detection and treatment can prevent the need for expensive medical interventions later in life. 


  • Peace of Mind

         Newborn screening can also provide parents with peace of mind. Knowing their child has been screened for potential health conditions can alleviate anxiety and allow parents to focus on caring for their new baby. 

         Early intervention is critical in managing health conditions in newborns. Newborn screening allows for early detection of potential health conditions, which can lead to early intervention and treatment. For example, if your child is found to have hearing loss through newborn screening, early intervention with hearing aids or cochlear implants can help to improve their language and communication skills. 


You can also read “The Importance of Early Childhood Developmental Monitoring and Screening.


What Happens if a Condition is Detected During a Newborn Screening? 

Further testing and education may be needed to confirm the diagnosis if a condition is detected during an infant health screening. The healthcare provider will typically contact the parents of the newborn to inform them of the results and recommend further evaluation or treatment. 

The next steps may vary depending on the specific condition that was detected, as well as the guidelines and protocols of the healthcare provider. In general, some of the common steps that healthcare providers or parents may take include: 


  • Follow-up testing

         The pediatrician may recommend follow-up testing to confirm the diagnosis if a positive result is obtained from the initial screening. This may involve more comprehensive laboratory testing, imaging studies, or genetic testing


  • Referral to a specialist

        Depending on the condition’s nature, the pediatrician may refer the newborn to a specialist or team of specialists with experience and expertise in treating the disease. This may include pediatricians, geneticists, endocrinologists, or other specialists. 


  • Treatment

        If the diagnosis is confirmed, the healthcare provider will develop a treatment plan tailored to the newborn’s specific needs. Treatment may include medications, special diets, surgical procedures, or other interventions. The goal is to manage the condition and minimize the risk of complications and long-term health issues. 


  • Monitoring and follow-up

       Newborns diagnosed with a medical condition through screening will need ongoing monitoring and follow-up to ensure that the treatment plan is effective and that the disease is managed appropriately. This may involve regular appointments with the healthcare provider, laboratory testing, or other assessments. 


Early Detection, Lifelong Benefits! 

Overall, newborn screening aims to identify potential health conditions early, so parents and guardians can initiate prompt treatment and management. This can help prevent serious health issues and ensure the newborn has the best chance for healthy growth and development. If a condition is detected, parents and guardians must closely collaborate with their healthcare provider and follow the recommended treatment and monitoring plan to ensure the best outcomes for their child. 

Do not hesitate to call our Fresno pediatric clinic while looking for “pediatricians near me” to provide the best treatment for your kid. See more about the staff at Children’s Medical Centers of Fresno through the highlighted link. 

Call our clinic at (559) 455-1500 with any questions such as “what is a newborn screening test?” or “how long does newborn screening take?” or to book a newborn screening. You may also make an appointment on our main website. We also provide telemedicine!

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