Fear of COVID-19 is Causing Some Parents To Skip Their Child’s Vaccinations

child vaccination

Dropping of Immunization Rates

You don’t have to give in to anxiety in these difficult times. But some healthcare providers are concerned that many parents are skipping their child vaccination this year for fear of catching the coronavirus. 

A report published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found a decline of approximately 2.5 million doses of vaccination from last year, with most of the drop beginning in the first quarter this year. We want to make sure our community reverses that trend.


Importance of Child Vaccinations

There are many vaccines recommended by different agencies and organizations such as CDC, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. And if you’re a new parent, you might find this overwhelming. However, you don’t have to worry too much about it. Most of your child vaccinations are complete by the age of six. 

Make sure your child is up to date on all of his or her vaccinations. If your child has missed one immunization, it doesn’t mean that your child will have to start over. The previous vaccines will still protect your child. The doctor can just resume the immunization schedule. 


Risks of Delaying Immunization

Ever since the United States started it’s lockdown last March, doctors saw a big drop in immunization rates. Here are some of the problems that might happen because of delays of vaccinations in children

  • Higher Risk of Contracting a Vaccine-Preventable Disease 

There are certain times in a child’s life when sticking to a timetable may not be necessary. But when it comes to medication, sticking to a recommended schedule is vital. If your child has not been vaccinated, he or she will be susceptible to diseases that could have been preventable. You need to remember that your child can catch diseases from people who don’t have any symptoms. On-time vaccination throughout childhood is essential to help protect your child. 

  • Outbreaks of Preventable Disease

Short-term delays in children’s vaccinations could lead to outbreaks. According to the World Health Organization, immunization is an essential health service which may be affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. It stated that disruption in immunization services could result in an increased number of susceptible children and raise the likelihood of outbreak-prone vaccine-preventable disease (VPDs) such as measles. 


Why You Shouldn’t Fear 

Because of the pandemic, your child’s healthcare provider will make necessary adjustments to accommodate medical concerns without compromising your child’s safety. If you cannot get to the clinic when your child’s next vaccinations are due, schedule an appointment with your provider and formulate a way to safely immunize your child.



In these trying times, your child needs protection more than ever. Getting your child vaccinated is one way to do it. It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it after it occurs. Children’s Medical Centers of Fresno provide quality healthcare to children of the Central Valley. Schedule your child’s appointment today and get caught up with your child vaccinations.

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