The Common Misconceptions of Flu Shots

Misconceptions of Flu Shots

Everyone has their own Misconceptions of Flu Shots. Because of this, some parents are apprehensive about the effects of the flu shot. The inaccuracies surrounding flu vaccines during the flu season can become dangerous and cause harmful effects. 

While the influenza virus is present all-year-round, most of the flu activity peaks between December and February. The flu is not something that one should take for granted as it is not just your typical cold. When dealing with your child’s flu, it is always better to immediately call your provider.

Children are more susceptible to get the flu. They get symptoms such as sore throat, cough, runny nose, body aches, headaches, fatigue, and fever. In some cases, flu can also cause serious health complications for kids, possibly leading to hospitalization. With Covid-19 on the upswing again, medical resources may be stretched to the limit. Getting a flu shot is more important than ever.

Here are some of the myths that experts have already discredited to help you and your child stay healthy and protected: 

The Flu Vaccine Can Give Your Child the Flu. 

This misconception has been around for a long time. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention explains that flu shots are made of dead viruses or proteins from the flu virus. This means that it can’t cause an infection. Nonetheless, your child might experience symptoms that are unrelated to the virus. For example, there might be temporary soreness and achiness around the injection area. A low fever or a headache may also be experienced by your child after receiving the shot. Even so, the most common reactions to flu vaccinations are far less severe than the symptoms caused by actual flu illness. Just remember: The flu shot has one of the best safety records of any vaccine. 

Healthy Children Don’t Need the Flu Shot. 

Healthy children can get the flu. Period. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that any child 6 months and older receive a flu vaccination every year. This is because influenza is highly contagious. A 2014 study published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases showed that flu vaccinations reduced children’s risk of flu-related pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission by 74% during flu seasons from 2010-2012. 

Your Child Doesn’t Need a Flu Shot When They Already Got One Last Year. 

This is another big misconception. One might think that it’s okay for your child to skip a year. However, it is important to note that flu viruses evolve quickly and flu shot formulations change every year. The flu shot that was given to your child last year may not protect against the flu this year.  It takes about two weeks to build protection from the vaccine. That’s the amount of time your body needs to create antibodies for the illness.

The Bottomline 

When it’s flu season, take the necessary steps for your child to stay healthy. That includes differentiating fact from Misconceptions of Flu Shots. Children’s Medical Centers of Fresno provide quality healthcare to children of the Central Valley. Schedule your child’s appointment today and have your child vaccinated. 

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